Fetch Texturing Jobs

Learn how to fetch all past and current texturing jobs for your account

Fetch all past and current texturing jobs as a list

GET https://prod.polyhive.ai/api/content/fetchTextureJobs

Through this endpoint, you can fetch all past and current texturing jobs, along with associated metadata including:

job_id (uuid): The job ID uuid representing the unique job. job_name (string): The job name, either set by the user as part of the request, or the default generated string. queued_time (datetime): The time at which the job was queued in UTC timezone. started_time (datetime): The time at which the job was started in UTC timezone. completed_time (datetime): The time at which the job was completed in UTC timezone. job_status (string): The current status of the job - potential values are [queued, in progress, completed, failed, cancelled]. thumbnail_path (url): The download url for the asset thumbnail image.

An example of a request to this endpoint through curl, for fetching past texturing jobs:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-API-KEY: <YOUR API KEY>" https://prod.polyhive.ai/api/content/fetchTextureJobs





Your API Key, created through the dashboard



The content type of the request, set to "application/json".

[ {"job_id": id_1, "job_name": name_1, "queued_time": q_time_1, "started_time": s_time_1, "completed_time": c_time_1, "job_status":"completed", "thumbnail_path":""}, ... {"job_id":id_n, "job_name": name_n, "queued_time": q_time_n, "started_time": s_time_n, "completed_time": c_time_n, "job_status":"completed", "thumbnail_path":""} ]

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