Creating and Using Folders

Organize your projects and assets

The Polyhive platform enables the use of folders so that you can organize your assets however works best for you.

Creating a folder

To create a folder, click the FOLDER icon at the top right action bar:

This will bring up a folder naming window.

Input the desired folder name and click the CREATE FOLDER button to create a new folder.

View folder details

You can view folder details by left-clicking on the folder object in the dashboard.

This will open a sidebar on the right side of the screen with folder details such as date created and the cumulative size of all assets within the folder. You can also open the folder from this view to see the objects inside.

Opening a folder

To open a folder to see the objects inside, open the folder detail view and click the OPEN FOLDER button.

You can also left-click on the folder twice rapidly in the dashboard window to open the folder. Once you are inside the folder, you can see the assets that are currently inside. You can also see the folder path at the top left.

Currently, there are no assets inside this folder. To navigate back to the main organization directory, click the element of the path furthest to the left:

This will take you back to the main organization directory.

Adding an existing asset to a folder

You can easily add an existing dashboard asset to a folder. Find the desired asset in the dashboard, then hold the left click button down on the asset. Continue to hold the left click button down, and drag the asset onto the folder object.

This will add the asset to the folder.

Now, let's navigate back into your new folder:

As you can see, your asset has been successfully added to the folder.

Uploading a new asset inside a folder

You can also upload assets directly inside folders. While inside a folder, follow the instructions for uploading a new asset.

Polyhive will upload the file directly into the folder that you are currently located in.

Creating a new folder inside of a folder

The Polyhive platform supports nested folders. To create a new folder within an existing one, follow the instructions for creating a folder while inside another folder:

Once the folder is created, you can perform any other folder actions on it.

Moving assets outside of a folder

You can easily move assets outside of a folder as well. Find the desired asset in the folder, then hold the left click button down on the asset. Continue to hold the left click button down, and drag the asset onto the desired superfolder or directory at the top left path.

This will move your asset outside the current folder back to a superfolder or the main organization directory.

Now, let's navigate back to the directory above this folder:

You can also do this with folders - simply follow the same instructions but with a folder object instead of an asset.

Renaming a folder

Right click on the desired folder and click the RENAME option.

This will open a window for renaming the folder.

Click the RENAME button to finish renaming the folder.

Deleting a folder

Right click on the desired folder and click the DELETE option.

This will open a confirmation window.

After pressing the DELETE button, the folder will be removed from your organization.

Last updated

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