Using Quick Actions

Right click assets to pull up quick actions

You can right-click on objects in the dashboard to quickly download, rename, or delete assets.

Downloading an asset

Right click on the desired asset and click the DOWNLOAD option.

This will download a version of the file locally so that you can review and make changes in applications like Blender and Maya. You can also download the asset from the asset details view in the sidebar.

Renaming an asset

Right click on the desired asset and click the RENAME option.

This will open a window for renaming the asset.

Type a new name in the text bar, and then click the RENAME button to finish renaming the asset. Make sure to include the same file extension as part of the new name, otherwise you will fail to rename the file.

Deleting an asset

Right click on the desired asset and click the DELETE option.

This will open a confirmation window.

After pressing the DELETE button, the asset will be removed from your organization.

Note: you can delete more than one asset at the same time as outlined in the mass delete section.

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