Managing Asset Versions

Create new versions of assets and see past version history

The Polyhive platform enables you to upload and track new versions of assets as you continue to iterate on your content.

Uploading a new asset version

To upload a new version of an asset, first navigate to the asset detail view:

Asset detail view

Next, click the Upload Version button. This will open up a file explorer window, where you can find your new asset version to upload.

Upload version button

After you select a new asset version and press upload, you should see a new version of your asset in the right sidebar under the Versions section. Versions are ordered by upload date, with the newest version appearing at the top:

Version upload successful!

Changing the current asset version

Within the dashboard, you can set an asset version to be the current version. This will be the version that is displayed in the Content page, the version impacted by quick actions like downloading and renaming, and the version that is loaded into your game engine using the Polyhive SDK.

To change the current asset version, select the version that you want to set as the current version by left-clicking the box in the Versions section of the right sidebar:

Select new version

After selecting a version other than the current active version, you will see a Set Current button pop up within the box of the selected version.

Set current version button

Clicking that button will set the selected version as the current version. You can see the change reflected in the main section of the dashboard.

Current version updated successfully!

Downloading an asset version

You can download any asset version from the sidebar. Find the version you would like to download and click the DOWNLOAD icon:

Version download button

This will download the version file to your device.

Renaming an asset version

You can rename any asset version from the sidebar. Find the version you would like to rename and click the RENAME icon.

Version rename icon

Type a new name in the text bar, and then click the Update button. Make sure to include the same file extension as part of the new name, otherwise you will fail to rename the file.

Update button

Your new version name will be reflected in the sidebar.

Version successfully renamed!

Deleting an asset version

You can delete any asset version from the sidebar. Find the version you would like to delete and click the DELETE icon:

Version delete icon

This will open a confirmation window. Click the DELETE button to proceed with deleting the version:

Version delete confirmation window

This will delete the selected version.

Version successfully deleted!

Last updated

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