Viewing Asset Details

Left click assets to view details

You can left-click on objects in the dashboard to view details in the sidebar on the right side of the screen.

In this view, you can preview a live version of the asset, see relevant asset details, retrieve the Asset ID for loading through the SDK, and download the file. You can also upload new versions, review past versions, and set the current active version.

Previewing a live version of an asset

If your asset is a 3D model, you can see a live preview of the current version of the asset at the top section of the asset detail view. The current live version of the asset is the exact file that will spawn into your game at runtime.

You can rotate the object in the canvas to view it from different angles by holding the left click button and dragging on the model.

Generating a new thumbnail image

You can generate a new thumbnail image for your asset if you want to show a different view in the dashboard. After moving your mouse into the live asset preview window, you will see a CAMERA icon at the bottom right of the canvas:

Click the CAMERA icon to replace the current thumbnail image with a new image from the canvas:

Viewing file details

Below the live asset preview window, you can see some basic information about your file. This includes the file name, the date that the file was uploaded, the file type, and the size of the file.

Downloading the asset

Below the Asset ID section, you can download a version of the file locally so that you can review and make changes in applications like Blender and Maya. To do so, click the DOWNLOAD button.

Managing versions of files

Below the DOWNLOAD button, you can view and manage asset versions. See the Managing Asset Versions section for more details.

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