Using Mass Actions for Multiple Objects

Perform actions on multiple assets or folders at once

You can perform many asset and folder actions with groups of assets and folders as well.

Uploading multiple assets

The Polyhive platform supports uploading multiple assets at once. Follow the instructions for uploading a new asset, but do so with multiple files from your local file system.

Polyhive will process all of the uploaded files and generate thumbnail images for all.

Uploading more than 16 assets at once can sometimes result in incorrect generation of thumbnail images. If your thumbnail images were generated incorrectly, you can update them by going to the asset detail view and following the steps for generating a new thumbnail image.

Selecting multiple objects

In order to perform actions on multiple assets or folders in the dashboard, you must first select multiple objects. The Polyhive platform enables you to select groups of objects between a starting point object and an ending point object. To select multiple objects, first select a starting point by left-clicking a chosen object:

Next, select an ending point object by holding the SHIFT key and left-clicking another object:

As you can see, the starting point object and ending point object are both selected, along with all of the objects in-between. You can do this with folders as well as assets.

Adding multiple objects to a folder

You can add multiple objects to a folder at once. First, let's create a new folder:

Once you've created a new folder, select multiple objects as shown below:

Then, hold the left click button down on any of the objects and drag the group onto the folder object.

This will move the objects into the folder.

Deleting multiple objects

You may want to delete multiple assets at once from the Polyhive platform. To do so, first select multiple objects as shown below:

Next, click the TRASH icon at the top right action bar:

This will open a confirmation window.

After pressing the DELETE button, the objects will be removed from your organization.

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